Monday, July 18, 2011

We did it!

As Dora says, We did it!! (and I heard a lot of Dora this past week) :)

We survived our week of vacation with the whole family at the beach! And to be honest it was wonderful. A lot to talk about regarding the week, but first I wanted to share a pro found thing I thought of.

For that entire week, I only thought of my family. Only my family! I went a whole week with no headaches and really just enjoyed my them. No one else's problems and it felt really good. Sometimes I think if we could just cut out all the gossip or envy or keeping up with the Jones', that we could really enjoy life. I didn't think about finances or what problem someone else was facing. I am not saying to no longer be concerned with others needs but just to take a step back and realize how it might be affecting your mental state.

My husband and I were discussing it yesterday and he said that we should just not talk about other peoples gossip. Well, I kinda laughed at him. You see, that is easier said than done. Although I am going to promise to try and not let it consume me. People are they way they are and what I think of them is not going to change them. Finances are not going to be what dictates my happiness. I will take one day at a time and cross one bridge at a time.

I saw an update on a blog the other day. This family just moved into a new home. Its a beautiful home and I pray that God blesses them in it. God opened other doors for them as well. But I will say, the picture of that house also brought me to tears. You see, we have been struggling financially for years now. We have a huge student loan bill that we cannot even begin to start making payments on. Mostly due to the twins being born and all the expenses that entails. I broke down that night and with my husband holding me, I told him that we had to get out of debt. I just cant handle the stress of it all. So we set a small goal. No more eating out for a month. Our goal is by August 16. If we make it to then then we will get a small reward for keeping our goal. Not to say that we wont get a $5 pizza one night, but no major 40-50$ meals out. This would be a huge chunk for us. Then I want to do another month and so on. I will also vow to not purchase myself anything extra as well. Till we are out of debt. I think that cutting out the extras will at least help me know that I am doing all I can. I know that this will not happen overnight but we have to start somewhere. There are alot of other details but I don't want to talk about them on here. ( of course we are making a trip home before school starts so that will be extra, but after that no more)

Anyway, changes. I will change!

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