the track to getting out of debt.
I did a spreadsheet that generalized categories like groceries, gas, and not necessary. WOW is all I can say. I was amazed at where the money was going. We have already started saving every single receipt from this month and will continue to do so. I want to be accountable for where my money is going. So we are keeping this ball rolling. We have already crossed off 5 of the smaller debts and I cannot wait to cross out more. I also love that J is in this with me. He will send me daily post from DR that just give us a little reminder of where we are going and why. I pray that in less then two years we will be over half way there.
Shoulda, coulda, woulda, but I didn't ask!
That is about all I can say for the past years in accumulating the debt. As my dad says, you played earlier so you have to pay for it now. When I get done with this process I want to pay first and then play! Life would be a little easier and stress free.
Kids are doing good. H is having problems in school still - talking, not following directions, and forgetting to bring homework home. He has been grounded from everything. But he seems to find a new something and just says that no one told him he couldn't play with it. The other thing is the TV. If his sisters are in their room watching he just wants to go in there. But being on TV restriction mean NO TV at all. He did it this morning too. Sisters got up and he took them in his room and turned on the TV. Said he was trying keep them quiet. Sure. But don't get me wrong, he got a few hours to watch and was at his grandparents on Sunday and Monday. So he is not being deprived by any means. I pray that this week at school is much better.
Girls are also doing good. L had a great week and we are so proud - she was the super star for the day. Her teacher said that she was patient and kind and helpful. This is a big step for L, because she was my strong willed child. Well it seems as with everything else, A has taken over this position. She is being so stubborn and doing the little things that kids so - like blowing a raspberry at you when you walk away and also saying some smart remarks. We are trying to stay on top of things because this has carried over some into her days at school. I think they hear some of this stuff at school and are trying it out at home to see if they can get away with it...NO!
We took H to doctor yesterday about a foot issue that has been making him limp. It has been there about a month but he still played and did his business like normal, except when he walked. I asked him Friday if it hurt or if it was a habit and he said it hurt. So I made an appointment for Monday, which was a holiday for us, and took him in. He has also been fight a cold/sinuses so they checked that to. The doctor checked him out and wasn't concerned she said it is part of the growing pains. Because of pulling ligaments/bone ect... She called it Sever's Disease. Sounds bad but it is something that he will grow out of.
Well, that seems to be the update for now, till next time...
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