Friday, December 30, 2011

Been a while...

I know it has been a while but I am at a point again that I need to vent.

Today, I got another call at 4pm that A is sick. We have not made it one full day since last Wednesday before Christmas at school. L got sick last week with a fever that lasted 5 days. Then on Wednesday A got pink eye. And now A has a fever of 101.8... Here we go again. I don't have any sick time left and now am on unpaid leave. Husband cant help because his location is already short staffed. Couldn't go to the Christmas eve service or the Christmas day service and now looks like we wont be going anywhere anytime soon at all.

This twin thing is just for the birds when it comes to sickness. I cannot seem to ever get on top of anything. They both have been on antibiotics since the Thursday before Christmas. What am I to do now????

I want to cry but that is not going to change anything. I feel so very lost and alone. I need His help more than anything, because without him I would give up hope...

I have done a million loads of laundry in the past week and that is going to just end up costing more money because of detergent and Lys*led they whole stinkin house. Two doctors visits and poss another one Monday coming. Then add prescriptions. I know that I seem to be complaining here but come on, I didn't ask for twins, God, you gave them to me. There was no fert*lity at all and we knew all we could afford was just one more... God, I need help!

I am now just praying the H doesn't catch any of this because he starts back to school next week. I am not sure that I am wishing for Spring but something has got to give soon or I am going to loose it...

I am tired of hearing J complain about work again. Most of it is because they have people on vacation and he is having to do more, but come on...enough is enough.

Oh might be a little while longer before I write again...

Here's to hoping that 2012 is much better than 2011 and that the sickness goes far from our house...(of course it won't happen)